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    package kotlinx.coroutines.channels;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import kotlin.Deprecated;
import kotlin.DeprecationLevel;
import kotlin.Metadata;
import kotlin.Pair;
import kotlin.ReplaceWith;
import kotlin.Unit;
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation;
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function3;
import kotlinx.coroutines.selects.SelectClause1;

@Metadata(d1 = {"kotlinx/coroutines/channels/ChannelsKt__ChannelsKt", "kotlinx/coroutines/channels/ChannelsKt__Channels_commonKt", "kotlinx/coroutines/channels/ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt"}, k = 4, mv = {1, 6, 0}, xi = 48)
public final class ChannelsKt {
    public static final String DEFAULT_CLOSE_MESSAGE = "Channel was closed";

    public static final void cancelConsumed(ReceiveChannel<?> receiveChannel, Throwable th) {
        ChannelsKt__Channels_commonKt.cancelConsumed(receiveChannel, th);

    public static final <E, R> R consume(BroadcastChannel<E> broadcastChannel, Function1<? super ReceiveChannel<? extends E>, ? extends R> function1) {
        return ChannelsKt__Channels_commonKt.consume(broadcastChannel, function1);

    public static final <E, R> R consume(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, Function1<? super ReceiveChannel<? extends E>, ? extends R> function1) {
        return ChannelsKt__Channels_commonKt.consume(receiveChannel, function1);

    public static final <E> Object consumeEach(BroadcastChannel<E> broadcastChannel, Function1<? super E, Unit> function1, Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
        return ChannelsKt__Channels_commonKt.consumeEach(broadcastChannel, function1, continuation);

    public static final <E> Object consumeEach(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, Function1<? super E, Unit> function1, Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
        return ChannelsKt__Channels_commonKt.consumeEach(receiveChannel, function1, continuation);

    public static final Function1<Throwable, Unit> consumes(ReceiveChannel<?> receiveChannel) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.consumes(receiveChannel);

    public static final Function1<Throwable, Unit> consumesAll(ReceiveChannel<?>... receiveChannelArr) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.consumesAll(receiveChannelArr);

    public static final <E, K> ReceiveChannel<E> distinctBy(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, CoroutineContext coroutineContext, Function2<? super E, ? super Continuation<? super K>, ? extends Object> function2) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.distinctBy(receiveChannel, coroutineContext, function2);

    public static final <E> ReceiveChannel<E> filter(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, CoroutineContext coroutineContext, Function2<? super E, ? super Continuation<? super Boolean>, ? extends Object> function2) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.filter(receiveChannel, coroutineContext, function2);

    public static final <E> ReceiveChannel<E> filterNotNull(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.filterNotNull(receiveChannel);

    public static final <E, R> ReceiveChannel<R> map(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, CoroutineContext coroutineContext, Function2<? super E, ? super Continuation<? super R>, ? extends Object> function2) {
        return, coroutineContext, function2);

    public static final <E, R> ReceiveChannel<R> mapIndexed(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, CoroutineContext coroutineContext, Function3<? super Integer, ? super E, ? super Continuation<? super R>, ? extends Object> function3) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.mapIndexed(receiveChannel, coroutineContext, function3);

    @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, message = "Deprecated in the favour of 'onReceiveCatching'")
    public static final <E> SelectClause1<E> onReceiveOrNull(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel) {
        return ChannelsKt__Channels_commonKt.onReceiveOrNull(receiveChannel);

    @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, message = "Deprecated in the favour of 'receiveCatching'", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(expression = "receiveCatching().getOrNull()", imports = {}))
    public static final <E> Object receiveOrNull(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, Continuation<? super E> continuation) {
        return ChannelsKt__Channels_commonKt.receiveOrNull(receiveChannel, continuation);

    @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, message = "Deprecated in the favour of 'trySendBlocking'. Consider handling the result of 'trySendBlocking' explicitly and rethrow exception if necessary", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(expression = "trySendBlocking(element)", imports = {}))
    public static final <E> void sendBlocking(SendChannel<? super E> sendChannel, E e) {
        ChannelsKt__ChannelsKt.sendBlocking(sendChannel, e);

    public static final <E, C extends SendChannel<? super E>> Object toChannel(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, C c, Continuation<? super C> continuation) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.toChannel(receiveChannel, c, continuation);

    public static final <E, C extends Collection<? super E>> Object toCollection(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, C c, Continuation<? super C> continuation) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.toCollection(receiveChannel, c, continuation);

    public static final <E> Object toList(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, Continuation<? super List<? extends E>> continuation) {
        return ChannelsKt__Channels_commonKt.toList(receiveChannel, continuation);

    public static final <K, V, M extends Map<? super K, ? super V>> Object toMap(ReceiveChannel<? extends Pair<? extends K, ? extends V>> receiveChannel, M m, Continuation<? super M> continuation) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.toMap(receiveChannel, m, continuation);

    public static final <E> Object toMutableSet(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, Continuation<? super Set<E>> continuation) {
        return ChannelsKt__DeprecatedKt.toMutableSet(receiveChannel, continuation);

    public static final <E> Object trySendBlocking(SendChannel<? super E> sendChannel, E e) {
        return ChannelsKt__ChannelsKt.trySendBlocking(sendChannel, e);

    public static final <E, R, V> ReceiveChannel<V> zip(ReceiveChannel<? extends E> receiveChannel, ReceiveChannel<? extends R> receiveChannel2, CoroutineContext coroutineContext, Function2<? super E, ? super R, ? extends V> function2) {
        return, receiveChannel2, coroutineContext, function2);
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