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    package kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.impl.protobuf;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

public class LazyField extends LazyFieldLite {
    private final MessageLite defaultInstance;

    public MessageLite getValue() {
        return getValue(this.defaultInstance);

    public int hashCode() {
        return getValue().hashCode();

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return getValue().equals(obj);

    public String toString() {
        return getValue().toString();

    static class LazyEntry<K> implements Map.Entry<K, Object> {
        private Map.Entry<K, LazyField> entry;

        private LazyEntry(Map.Entry<K, LazyField> entry2) {
            this.entry = entry2;

        public K getKey() {
            return this.entry.getKey();

        public Object getValue() {
            LazyField value = this.entry.getValue();
            if (value == null) {
                return null;
            return value.getValue();

        public Object setValue(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof MessageLite) {
                return this.entry.getValue().setValue((MessageLite) obj);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("LazyField now only used for MessageSet, and the value of MessageSet must be an instance of MessageLite");

    static class LazyIterator<K> implements Iterator<Map.Entry<K, Object>> {
        private Iterator<Map.Entry<K, Object>> iterator;

        public LazyIterator(Iterator<Map.Entry<K, Object>> it) {
            this.iterator = it;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return this.iterator.hasNext();

        public Map.Entry<K, Object> next() {
            Map.Entry<K, Object> next =;
            return next.getValue() instanceof LazyField ? new LazyEntry(next) : next;

        public void remove() {
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