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/* renamed from:  reason: invalid package */
/* compiled from: */
public class zzadn extends IOException {
    private zzaek zza = null;

    public zzadn(IOException iOException) {
        super(iOException.getMessage(), iOException);

    static zzadm zza() {
        return new zzadm("Protocol message tag had invalid wire type.");

    static zzadn zzb() {
        return new zzadn("Protocol message end-group tag did not match expected tag.");

    static zzadn zzc() {
        return new zzadn("Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero).");

    static zzadn zzd() {
        return new zzadn("Protocol message had invalid UTF-8.");

    static zzadn zze() {
        return new zzadn("CodedInputStream encountered a malformed varint.");

    static zzadn zzf() {
        return new zzadn("CodedInputStream encountered an embedded string or message which claimed to have negative size.");

    static zzadn zzg() {
        return new zzadn("Failed to parse the message.");

    static zzadn zzi() {
        return new zzadn("While parsing a protocol message, the input ended unexpectedly in the middle of a field.  This could mean either that the input has been truncated or that an embedded message misreported its own length.");

    public final zzadn zzh(zzaek zzaek) {
        this.zza = zzaek;
        return this;

    public zzadn(String str) {
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