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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

final class PlaylistTimeline extends AbstractConcatenatedTimeline {
    private final HashMap<Object, Integer> childIndexByUid = new HashMap<>();
    private final int[] firstPeriodInChildIndices;
    private final int[] firstWindowInChildIndices;
    private final int periodCount;
    private final Timeline[] timelines;
    private final Object[] uids;
    private final int windowCount;

    /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
    public PlaylistTimeline(Collection<? extends MediaSourceInfoHolder> collection, ShuffleOrder shuffleOrder) {
        super(false, shuffleOrder);
        int i = 0;
        int size = collection.size();
        this.firstPeriodInChildIndices = new int[size];
        this.firstWindowInChildIndices = new int[size];
        this.timelines = new Timeline[size];
        this.uids = new Object[size];
        int i2 = 0;
        int i3 = 0;
        for (MediaSourceInfoHolder mediaSourceInfoHolder : collection) {
            this.timelines[i3] = mediaSourceInfoHolder.getTimeline();
            this.firstWindowInChildIndices[i3] = i;
            this.firstPeriodInChildIndices[i3] = i2;
            i += this.timelines[i3].getWindowCount();
            i2 += this.timelines[i3].getPeriodCount();
            this.uids[i3] = mediaSourceInfoHolder.getUid();
            this.childIndexByUid.put(this.uids[i3], Integer.valueOf(i3));
        this.windowCount = i;
        this.periodCount = i2;

    /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */
    public List<Timeline> getChildTimelines() {
        return Arrays.asList(this.timelines);

    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    public int getChildIndexByPeriodIndex(int i) {
        return Util.binarySearchFloor(this.firstPeriodInChildIndices, i + 1, false, false);

    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    public int getChildIndexByWindowIndex(int i) {
        return Util.binarySearchFloor(this.firstWindowInChildIndices, i + 1, false, false);

    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    public int getChildIndexByChildUid(Object obj) {
        Integer num = this.childIndexByUid.get(obj);
        if (num == null) {
            return -1;
        return num.intValue();

    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    public Timeline getTimelineByChildIndex(int i) {
        return this.timelines[i];

    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    public int getFirstPeriodIndexByChildIndex(int i) {
        return this.firstPeriodInChildIndices[i];

    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    public int getFirstWindowIndexByChildIndex(int i) {
        return this.firstWindowInChildIndices[i];

    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    public Object getChildUidByChildIndex(int i) {
        return this.uids[i];

    public int getWindowCount() {
        return this.windowCount;

    public int getPeriodCount() {
        return this.periodCount;
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