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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

public abstract class YogaNodeJNIBase extends YogaNode implements Cloneable {
    private static final byte BORDER = 4;
    private static final byte DOES_LEGACY_STRETCH_BEHAVIOUR = 8;
    private static final byte HAS_NEW_LAYOUT = 16;
    private static final byte LAYOUT_BORDER_START_INDEX = 14;
    private static final byte LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INDEX = 5;
    private static final byte LAYOUT_EDGE_SET_FLAG_INDEX = 0;
    private static final byte LAYOUT_HEIGHT_INDEX = 2;
    private static final byte LAYOUT_LEFT_INDEX = 3;
    private static final byte LAYOUT_MARGIN_START_INDEX = 6;
    private static final byte LAYOUT_PADDING_START_INDEX = 10;
    private static final byte LAYOUT_TOP_INDEX = 4;
    private static final byte LAYOUT_WIDTH_INDEX = 1;
    private static final byte MARGIN = 1;
    private static final byte PADDING = 2;
    private float[] arr;
    private YogaBaselineFunction mBaselineFunction;
    private List<YogaNodeJNIBase> mChildren;
    private Object mData;
    private boolean mHasNewLayout;
    private int mLayoutDirection;
    private YogaMeasureFunction mMeasureFunction;
    protected long mNativePointer;
    private YogaNodeJNIBase mOwner;

    private YogaNodeJNIBase(long j) {
        this.arr = null;
        this.mLayoutDirection = 0;
        this.mHasNewLayout = true;
        if (j != 0) {
            this.mNativePointer = j;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to allocate native memory");

    YogaNodeJNIBase() {

    YogaNodeJNIBase(YogaConfig yogaConfig) {
        this(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeNewWithConfigJNI(((YogaConfigJNIBase) yogaConfig).mNativePointer));

    public void reset() {
        this.mMeasureFunction = null;
        this.mBaselineFunction = null;
        this.mData = null;
        this.arr = null;
        this.mHasNewLayout = true;
        this.mLayoutDirection = 0;

    public int getChildCount() {
        List<YogaNodeJNIBase> list = this.mChildren;
        if (list == null) {
            return 0;
        return list.size();

    public YogaNodeJNIBase getChildAt(int i) {
        List<YogaNodeJNIBase> list = this.mChildren;
        if (list != null) {
            return list.get(i);
        throw new IllegalStateException("YogaNode does not have children");

    public void addChildAt(YogaNode yogaNode, int i) {
        if (yogaNode instanceof YogaNodeJNIBase) {
            YogaNodeJNIBase yogaNodeJNIBase = (YogaNodeJNIBase) yogaNode;
            if (yogaNodeJNIBase.mOwner == null) {
                if (this.mChildren == null) {
                    this.mChildren = new ArrayList(4);
                this.mChildren.add(i, yogaNodeJNIBase);
                yogaNodeJNIBase.mOwner = this;
                YogaNative.jni_YGNodeInsertChildJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaNodeJNIBase.mNativePointer, i);
            throw new IllegalStateException("Child already has a parent, it must be removed first.");

    public void setIsReferenceBaseline(boolean z) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeSetIsReferenceBaselineJNI(this.mNativePointer, z);

    public boolean isReferenceBaseline() {
        return YogaNative.jni_YGNodeIsReferenceBaselineJNI(this.mNativePointer);

    public void swapChildAt(YogaNode yogaNode, int i) {
        if (yogaNode instanceof YogaNodeJNIBase) {
            YogaNodeJNIBase yogaNodeJNIBase = (YogaNodeJNIBase) yogaNode;
            this.mChildren.add(i, yogaNodeJNIBase);
            yogaNodeJNIBase.mOwner = this;
            YogaNative.jni_YGNodeSwapChildJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaNodeJNIBase.mNativePointer, i);

    public YogaNodeJNIBase cloneWithChildren() {
        try {
            YogaNodeJNIBase yogaNodeJNIBase = (YogaNodeJNIBase) super.clone();
            if (yogaNodeJNIBase.mChildren != null) {
                yogaNodeJNIBase.mChildren = new ArrayList(yogaNodeJNIBase.mChildren);
            long jni_YGNodeCloneJNI = YogaNative.jni_YGNodeCloneJNI(this.mNativePointer);
            yogaNodeJNIBase.mOwner = null;
            yogaNodeJNIBase.mNativePointer = jni_YGNodeCloneJNI;
            for (int i = 0; i < yogaNodeJNIBase.getChildCount(); i++) {
                yogaNodeJNIBase.swapChildAt(yogaNodeJNIBase.getChildAt(i).cloneWithChildren(), i);
            return yogaNodeJNIBase;
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public YogaNodeJNIBase cloneWithoutChildren() {
        try {
            YogaNodeJNIBase yogaNodeJNIBase = (YogaNodeJNIBase) super.clone();
            long jni_YGNodeCloneJNI = YogaNative.jni_YGNodeCloneJNI(this.mNativePointer);
            yogaNodeJNIBase.mOwner = null;
            yogaNodeJNIBase.mNativePointer = jni_YGNodeCloneJNI;
            return yogaNodeJNIBase;
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    private void clearChildren() {
        this.mChildren = null;

    public YogaNodeJNIBase removeChildAt(int i) {
        List<YogaNodeJNIBase> list = this.mChildren;
        if (list != null) {
            YogaNodeJNIBase remove = list.remove(i);
            remove.mOwner = null;
            YogaNative.jni_YGNodeRemoveChildJNI(this.mNativePointer, remove.mNativePointer);
            return remove;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to remove a child of a YogaNode that does not have children");

    public YogaNodeJNIBase getOwner() {
        return this.mOwner;

    public YogaNodeJNIBase getParent() {
        return getOwner();

    public int indexOf(YogaNode yogaNode) {
        List<YogaNodeJNIBase> list = this.mChildren;
        if (list == null) {
            return -1;
        return list.indexOf(yogaNode);

    public void calculateLayout(float f, float f2) {
        freeze((YogaNode) null);
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size(); i++) {
            YogaNodeJNIBase yogaNodeJNIBase = (YogaNodeJNIBase) arrayList.get(i);
            List<YogaNodeJNIBase> list = yogaNodeJNIBase.mChildren;
            if (list != null) {
                for (YogaNodeJNIBase next : list) {
        YogaNodeJNIBase[] yogaNodeJNIBaseArr = (YogaNodeJNIBase[]) arrayList.toArray(new YogaNodeJNIBase[arrayList.size()]);
        long[] jArr = new long[yogaNodeJNIBaseArr.length];
        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < yogaNodeJNIBaseArr.length; i2++) {
            jArr[i2] = yogaNodeJNIBaseArr[i2].mNativePointer;
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeCalculateLayoutJNI(this.mNativePointer, f, f2, jArr, yogaNodeJNIBaseArr);

    private void freeze(YogaNode yogaNode) {
        Object data = getData();
        if (data instanceof YogaNode.Inputs) {
            ((YogaNode.Inputs) data).freeze(this, yogaNode);

    public void dirty() {

    public void dirtyAllDescendants() {

    public boolean isDirty() {
        return YogaNative.jni_YGNodeIsDirtyJNI(this.mNativePointer);

    public void copyStyle(YogaNode yogaNode) {
        if (yogaNode instanceof YogaNodeJNIBase) {
            YogaNative.jni_YGNodeCopyStyleJNI(this.mNativePointer, ((YogaNodeJNIBase) yogaNode).mNativePointer);

    public YogaDirection getStyleDirection() {
        return YogaDirection.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetDirectionJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setDirection(YogaDirection yogaDirection) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetDirectionJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaDirection.intValue());

    public YogaFlexDirection getFlexDirection() {
        return YogaFlexDirection.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetFlexDirectionJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setFlexDirection(YogaFlexDirection yogaFlexDirection) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetFlexDirectionJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaFlexDirection.intValue());

    public YogaJustify getJustifyContent() {
        return YogaJustify.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetJustifyContentJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setJustifyContent(YogaJustify yogaJustify) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetJustifyContentJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaJustify.intValue());

    public YogaAlign getAlignItems() {
        return YogaAlign.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetAlignItemsJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setAlignItems(YogaAlign yogaAlign) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetAlignItemsJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaAlign.intValue());

    public YogaAlign getAlignSelf() {
        return YogaAlign.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetAlignSelfJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setAlignSelf(YogaAlign yogaAlign) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetAlignSelfJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaAlign.intValue());

    public YogaAlign getAlignContent() {
        return YogaAlign.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetAlignContentJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setAlignContent(YogaAlign yogaAlign) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetAlignContentJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaAlign.intValue());

    public YogaPositionType getPositionType() {
        return YogaPositionType.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetPositionTypeJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setPositionType(YogaPositionType yogaPositionType) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetPositionTypeJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaPositionType.intValue());

    public YogaWrap getWrap() {
        return YogaWrap.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetFlexWrapJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setWrap(YogaWrap yogaWrap) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetFlexWrapJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaWrap.intValue());

    public YogaOverflow getOverflow() {
        return YogaOverflow.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetOverflowJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setOverflow(YogaOverflow yogaOverflow) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetOverflowJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaOverflow.intValue());

    public YogaDisplay getDisplay() {
        return YogaDisplay.fromInt(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetDisplayJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setDisplay(YogaDisplay yogaDisplay) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetDisplayJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaDisplay.intValue());

    public float getFlex() {
        return YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetFlexJNI(this.mNativePointer);

    public void setFlex(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetFlexJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public float getFlexGrow() {
        return YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetFlexGrowJNI(this.mNativePointer);

    public void setFlexGrow(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetFlexGrowJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public float getFlexShrink() {
        return YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetFlexShrinkJNI(this.mNativePointer);

    public void setFlexShrink(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetFlexShrinkJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public YogaValue getFlexBasis() {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetFlexBasisJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setFlexBasis(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetFlexBasisJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setFlexBasisPercent(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetFlexBasisPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setFlexBasisAuto() {

    public YogaValue getMargin(YogaEdge yogaEdge) {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetMarginJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue()));

    public void setMargin(YogaEdge yogaEdge, float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMarginJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue(), f);

    public void setMarginPercent(YogaEdge yogaEdge, float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMarginPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue(), f);

    public void setMarginAuto(YogaEdge yogaEdge) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMarginAutoJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue());

    public YogaValue getPadding(YogaEdge yogaEdge) {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetPaddingJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue()));

    public void setPadding(YogaEdge yogaEdge, float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetPaddingJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue(), f);

    public void setPaddingPercent(YogaEdge yogaEdge, float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetPaddingPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue(), f);

    public float getBorder(YogaEdge yogaEdge) {
        return YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetBorderJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue());

    public void setBorder(YogaEdge yogaEdge, float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetBorderJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue(), f);

    public YogaValue getPosition(YogaEdge yogaEdge) {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetPositionJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue()));

    public void setPosition(YogaEdge yogaEdge, float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetPositionJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue(), f);

    public void setPositionPercent(YogaEdge yogaEdge, float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetPositionPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaEdge.intValue(), f);

    public YogaValue getWidth() {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetWidthJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setWidth(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetWidthJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setWidthPercent(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetWidthPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setWidthAuto() {

    public YogaValue getHeight() {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetHeightJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setHeight(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetHeightJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setHeightPercent(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetHeightPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setHeightAuto() {

    public YogaValue getMinWidth() {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetMinWidthJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setMinWidth(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMinWidthJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setMinWidthPercent(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMinWidthPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public YogaValue getMinHeight() {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetMinHeightJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setMinHeight(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMinHeightJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setMinHeightPercent(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMinHeightPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public YogaValue getMaxWidth() {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetMaxWidthJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setMaxWidth(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMaxWidthJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setMaxWidthPercent(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMaxWidthPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public YogaValue getMaxHeight() {
        return valueFromLong(YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetMaxHeightJNI(this.mNativePointer));

    public void setMaxHeight(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMaxHeightJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setMaxHeightPercent(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetMaxHeightPercentJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public float getAspectRatio() {
        return YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleGetAspectRatioJNI(this.mNativePointer);

    public void setAspectRatio(float f) {
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeStyleSetAspectRatioJNI(this.mNativePointer, f);

    public void setMeasureFunction(YogaMeasureFunction yogaMeasureFunction) {
        this.mMeasureFunction = yogaMeasureFunction;
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeSetHasMeasureFuncJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaMeasureFunction != null);

    public final long measure(float f, int i, float f2, int i2) {
        if (isMeasureDefined()) {
            return this.mMeasureFunction.measure(this, f, YogaMeasureMode.fromInt(i), f2, YogaMeasureMode.fromInt(i2));
        throw new RuntimeException("Measure function isn't defined!");

    public void setBaselineFunction(YogaBaselineFunction yogaBaselineFunction) {
        this.mBaselineFunction = yogaBaselineFunction;
        YogaNative.jni_YGNodeSetHasBaselineFuncJNI(this.mNativePointer, yogaBaselineFunction != null);

    public final float baseline(float f, float f2) {
        return this.mBaselineFunction.baseline(this, f, f2);

    public boolean isMeasureDefined() {
        return this.mMeasureFunction != null;

    public boolean isBaselineDefined() {
        return this.mBaselineFunction != null;

    public void setData(Object obj) {
        this.mData = obj;

    public Object getData() {
        return this.mData;

    public void print() {

    private final long replaceChild(YogaNodeJNIBase yogaNodeJNIBase, int i) {
        List<YogaNodeJNIBase> list = this.mChildren;
        if (list != null) {
            this.mChildren.add(i, yogaNodeJNIBase);
            yogaNodeJNIBase.mOwner = this;
            return yogaNodeJNIBase.mNativePointer;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot replace child. YogaNode does not have children");

    private static YogaValue valueFromLong(long j) {
        return new YogaValue(Float.intBitsToFloat((int) j), (int) (j >> 32));

    public float getLayoutX() {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        if (fArr != null) {
            return fArr[3];
        return 0.0f;

    public float getLayoutY() {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        if (fArr != null) {
            return fArr[4];
        return 0.0f;

    public float getLayoutWidth() {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        if (fArr != null) {
            return fArr[1];
        return 0.0f;

    public float getLayoutHeight() {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        if (fArr != null) {
            return fArr[2];
        return 0.0f;

    public boolean getDoesLegacyStretchFlagAffectsLayout() {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        return fArr != null && (((int) fArr[0]) & 8) == 8;

    /* renamed from:$1  reason: invalid class name */
    static /* synthetic */ class AnonymousClass1 {
        static final /* synthetic */ int[] $SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge;

        /* JADX WARNING: Can't wrap try/catch for region: R(14:0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|14) */
        /* JADX WARNING: Failed to process nested try/catch */
        /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:11:0x003e */
        /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:3:0x0012 */
        /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:5:0x001d */
        /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:7:0x0028 */
        /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:9:0x0033 */
        static {
      [] r0 =
                int r0 = r0.length
                int[] r0 = new int[r0]
                $SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge = r0
       r1 =     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0012 }
                int r1 = r1.ordinal()     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0012 }
                r2 = 1
                r0[r1] = r2     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0012 }
                int[] r0 = $SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x001d }
       r1 =     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x001d }
                int r1 = r1.ordinal()     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x001d }
                r2 = 2
                r0[r1] = r2     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x001d }
                int[] r0 = $SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0028 }
       r1 =     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0028 }
                int r1 = r1.ordinal()     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0028 }
                r2 = 3
                r0[r1] = r2     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0028 }
                int[] r0 = $SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0033 }
       r1 =     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0033 }
                int r1 = r1.ordinal()     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0033 }
                r2 = 4
                r0[r1] = r2     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0033 }
                int[] r0 = $SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x003e }
       r1 =     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x003e }
                int r1 = r1.ordinal()     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x003e }
                r2 = 5
                r0[r1] = r2     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x003e }
                int[] r0 = $SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0049 }
       r1 =     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0049 }
                int r1 = r1.ordinal()     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0049 }
                r2 = 6
                r0[r1] = r2     // Catch:{ NoSuchFieldError -> 0x0049 }
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:<clinit>():void");

    public float getLayoutMargin(YogaEdge yogaEdge) {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        if (fArr == null || (((int) fArr[0]) & 1) != 1) {
            return 0.0f;
        switch (AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge[yogaEdge.ordinal()]) {
            case 1:
                return this.arr[6];
            case 2:
                return this.arr[7];
            case 3:
                return this.arr[8];
            case 4:
                return this.arr[9];
            case 5:
                if (getLayoutDirection() == YogaDirection.RTL) {
                    return this.arr[8];
                return this.arr[6];
            case 6:
                if (getLayoutDirection() == YogaDirection.RTL) {
                    return this.arr[6];
                return this.arr[8];
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot get layout margins of multi-edge shorthands");

    public float getLayoutPadding(YogaEdge yogaEdge) {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        if (fArr == null) {
            return 0.0f;
        int i = 0;
        if ((((int) fArr[0]) & 2) != 2) {
            return 0.0f;
        if ((((int) fArr[0]) & 1) != 1) {
            i = 4;
        int i2 = 10 - i;
        switch (AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge[yogaEdge.ordinal()]) {
            case 1:
                return this.arr[i2];
            case 2:
                return this.arr[i2 + 1];
            case 3:
                return this.arr[i2 + 2];
            case 4:
                return this.arr[i2 + 3];
            case 5:
                if (getLayoutDirection() == YogaDirection.RTL) {
                    return this.arr[i2 + 2];
                return this.arr[i2];
            case 6:
                if (getLayoutDirection() == YogaDirection.RTL) {
                    return this.arr[i2];
                return this.arr[i2 + 2];
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot get layout paddings of multi-edge shorthands");

    public float getLayoutBorder(YogaEdge yogaEdge) {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        if (fArr == null) {
            return 0.0f;
        int i = 0;
        if ((((int) fArr[0]) & 4) != 4) {
            return 0.0f;
        int i2 = 14 - ((((int) fArr[0]) & 1) == 1 ? 0 : 4);
        if ((((int) fArr[0]) & 2) != 2) {
            i = 4;
        int i3 = i2 - i;
        switch (AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$com$facebook$yoga$YogaEdge[yogaEdge.ordinal()]) {
            case 1:
                return this.arr[i3];
            case 2:
                return this.arr[i3 + 1];
            case 3:
                return this.arr[i3 + 2];
            case 4:
                return this.arr[i3 + 3];
            case 5:
                if (getLayoutDirection() == YogaDirection.RTL) {
                    return this.arr[i3 + 2];
                return this.arr[i3];
            case 6:
                if (getLayoutDirection() == YogaDirection.RTL) {
                    return this.arr[i3];
                return this.arr[i3 + 2];
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot get layout border of multi-edge shorthands");

    public YogaDirection getLayoutDirection() {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        return YogaDirection.fromInt(fArr != null ? (int) fArr[5] : this.mLayoutDirection);

    public boolean hasNewLayout() {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        if (fArr == null) {
            return this.mHasNewLayout;
        if ((((int) fArr[0]) & 16) == 16) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public void markLayoutSeen() {
        float[] fArr = this.arr;
        if (fArr != null) {
            fArr[0] = (float) (((int) fArr[0]) & -17);
        this.mHasNewLayout = false;
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