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    package com.facebook.react.uimanager;

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import com.facebook.common.logging.FLog;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ColorPropConverter;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.Dynamic;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.DynamicFromObject;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableArray;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableMap;
import com.facebook.react.uimanager.annotations.ReactProp;
import com.facebook.react.uimanager.annotations.ReactPropGroup;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

class ViewManagersPropertyCache {
    private static final Map<Class, Map<String, PropSetter>> CLASS_PROPS_CACHE = new HashMap();
    private static final Map<String, PropSetter> EMPTY_PROPS_MAP = new HashMap();

    ViewManagersPropertyCache() {

    public static void clear() {

    static abstract class PropSetter {
        private static final ThreadLocal<Object[]> SHADOW_ARGS = ViewManagersPropertyCache.createThreadLocalArray(1);
        private static final ThreadLocal<Object[]> SHADOW_GROUP_ARGS = ViewManagersPropertyCache.createThreadLocalArray(2);
        private static final ThreadLocal<Object[]> VIEW_MGR_ARGS = ViewManagersPropertyCache.createThreadLocalArray(2);
        private static final ThreadLocal<Object[]> VIEW_MGR_GROUP_ARGS = ViewManagersPropertyCache.createThreadLocalArray(3);
        protected final Integer mIndex;
        protected final String mPropName;
        protected final String mPropType;
        protected final Method mSetter;

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public abstract Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context);

        private PropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, String str, Method method) {
            this.mPropName =;
            this.mPropType = !"__default_type__".equals(reactProp.customType()) ? reactProp.customType() : str;
            this.mSetter = method;
            this.mIndex = null;

        private PropSetter(ReactPropGroup reactPropGroup, String str, Method method, int i) {
            this.mPropName = reactPropGroup.names()[i];
            this.mPropType = !"__default_type__".equals(reactPropGroup.customType()) ? reactPropGroup.customType() : str;
            this.mSetter = method;
            this.mIndex = Integer.valueOf(i);

        public String getPropName() {
            return this.mPropName;

        public String getPropType() {
            return this.mPropType;

        public void updateViewProp(ViewManager viewManager, View view, Object obj) {
            Object[] objArr;
            try {
                if (this.mIndex == null) {
                    objArr = VIEW_MGR_ARGS.get();
                    objArr[0] = view;
                    objArr[1] = getValueOrDefault(obj, view.getContext());
                } else {
                    objArr = VIEW_MGR_GROUP_ARGS.get();
                    objArr[0] = view;
                    objArr[1] = this.mIndex;
                    objArr[2] = getValueOrDefault(obj, view.getContext());
                this.mSetter.invoke(viewManager, objArr);
                Arrays.fill(objArr, (Object) null);
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                FLog.e((Class<?>) ViewManager.class, "Error while updating prop " + this.mPropName, th);
                throw new JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException("Error while updating property '" + this.mPropName + "' of a view managed by: " + viewManager.getName(), th);

        public void updateShadowNodeProp(ReactShadowNode reactShadowNode, Object obj) {
            Object[] objArr;
            try {
                if (this.mIndex == null) {
                    objArr = SHADOW_ARGS.get();
                    objArr[0] = getValueOrDefault(obj, reactShadowNode.getThemedContext());
                } else {
                    objArr = SHADOW_GROUP_ARGS.get();
                    objArr[0] = this.mIndex;
                    objArr[1] = getValueOrDefault(obj, reactShadowNode.getThemedContext());
                this.mSetter.invoke(reactShadowNode, objArr);
                Arrays.fill(objArr, (Object) null);
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                FLog.e((Class<?>) ViewManager.class, "Error while updating prop " + this.mPropName, th);
                throw new JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException("Error while updating property '" + this.mPropName + "' in shadow node of type: " + reactShadowNode.getViewClass(), th);

    private static class DynamicPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        public DynamicPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method) {
            super(reactProp, "mixed", method);

        public DynamicPropSetter(ReactPropGroup reactPropGroup, Method method, int i) {
            super(reactPropGroup, "mixed", method, i);

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            if (obj instanceof Dynamic) {
                return obj;
            return new DynamicFromObject(obj);

    private static class IntPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        private final int mDefaultValue;

        public IntPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method, int i) {
            super(reactProp, "number", method);
            this.mDefaultValue = i;

        public IntPropSetter(ReactPropGroup reactPropGroup, Method method, int i, int i2) {
            super(reactPropGroup, "number", method, i);
            this.mDefaultValue = i2;

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            return Integer.valueOf(obj == null ? this.mDefaultValue : Integer.valueOf(((Double) obj).intValue()).intValue());

    private static class DoublePropSetter extends PropSetter {
        private final double mDefaultValue;

        public DoublePropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method, double d) {
            super(reactProp, "number", method);
            this.mDefaultValue = d;

        public DoublePropSetter(ReactPropGroup reactPropGroup, Method method, int i, double d) {
            super(reactPropGroup, "number", method, i);
            this.mDefaultValue = d;

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            return Double.valueOf(obj == null ? this.mDefaultValue : ((Double) obj).doubleValue());

    private static class ColorPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        private final int mDefaultValue;

        public ColorPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method) {
            this(reactProp, method, 0);

        public ColorPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method, int i) {
            super(reactProp, "mixed", method);
            this.mDefaultValue = i;

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            if (obj == null) {
                return Integer.valueOf(this.mDefaultValue);
            return ColorPropConverter.getColor(obj, context);

    private static class BooleanPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        private final boolean mDefaultValue;

        public BooleanPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method, boolean z) {
            super(reactProp, "boolean", method);
            this.mDefaultValue = z;

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            return obj == null ? this.mDefaultValue : ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

    private static class FloatPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        private final float mDefaultValue;

        public FloatPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method, float f) {
            super(reactProp, "number", method);
            this.mDefaultValue = f;

        public FloatPropSetter(ReactPropGroup reactPropGroup, Method method, int i, float f) {
            super(reactPropGroup, "number", method, i);
            this.mDefaultValue = f;

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            return Float.valueOf(obj == null ? this.mDefaultValue : Float.valueOf(((Double) obj).floatValue()).floatValue());

    private static class ArrayPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        public ArrayPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method) {
            super(reactProp, "Array", method);

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            return (ReadableArray) obj;

    private static class MapPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        public MapPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method) {
            super(reactProp, "Map", method);

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            return (ReadableMap) obj;

    private static class StringPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        public StringPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method) {
            super(reactProp, "String", method);

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            return (String) obj;

    private static class BoxedBooleanPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        public BoxedBooleanPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method) {
            super(reactProp, "boolean", method);

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            if (obj != null) {
                return ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
            return null;

    private static class BoxedIntPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        public BoxedIntPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method) {
            super(reactProp, "number", method);

        public BoxedIntPropSetter(ReactPropGroup reactPropGroup, Method method, int i) {
            super(reactPropGroup, "number", method, i);

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            if (obj == null) {
                return null;
            if (obj instanceof Double) {
                return Integer.valueOf(((Double) obj).intValue());
            return (Integer) obj;

    private static class BoxedColorPropSetter extends PropSetter {
        public BoxedColorPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method) {
            super(reactProp, "mixed", method);

        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
        public Object getValueOrDefault(Object obj, Context context) {
            if (obj != null) {
                return ColorPropConverter.getColor(obj, context);
            return null;

    static Map<String, String> getNativePropsForView(Class<? extends ViewManager> cls, Class<? extends ReactShadowNode> cls2) {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        for (PropSetter next : getNativePropSettersForViewManagerClass(cls).values()) {
            hashMap.put(next.getPropName(), next.getPropType());
        for (PropSetter next2 : getNativePropSettersForShadowNodeClass(cls2).values()) {
            hashMap.put(next2.getPropName(), next2.getPropType());
        return hashMap;

    static Map<String, PropSetter> getNativePropSettersForViewManagerClass(Class<? extends ViewManager> cls) {
        if (cls == ViewManager.class) {
            return EMPTY_PROPS_MAP;
        Map<Class, Map<String, PropSetter>> map = CLASS_PROPS_CACHE;
        Map<String, PropSetter> map2 = map.get(cls);
        if (map2 != null) {
            return map2;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(getNativePropSettersForViewManagerClass(cls.getSuperclass()));
        extractPropSettersFromViewManagerClassDefinition(cls, hashMap);
        map.put(cls, hashMap);
        return hashMap;

    static Map<String, PropSetter> getNativePropSettersForShadowNodeClass(Class<? extends ReactShadowNode> cls) {
        for (Class<ReactShadowNode> cls2 : cls.getInterfaces()) {
            if (cls2 == ReactShadowNode.class) {
                return EMPTY_PROPS_MAP;
        Map<Class, Map<String, PropSetter>> map = CLASS_PROPS_CACHE;
        Map<String, PropSetter> map2 = map.get(cls);
        if (map2 != null) {
            return map2;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(getNativePropSettersForShadowNodeClass(cls.getSuperclass()));
        extractPropSettersFromShadowNodeClassDefinition(cls, hashMap);
        map.put(cls, hashMap);
        return hashMap;

    private static PropSetter createPropSetter(ReactProp reactProp, Method method, Class<?> cls) {
        if (cls == Dynamic.class) {
            return new DynamicPropSetter(reactProp, method);
        if (cls == Boolean.TYPE) {
            return new BooleanPropSetter(reactProp, method, reactProp.defaultBoolean());
        if (cls == Integer.TYPE) {
            if ("Color".equals(reactProp.customType())) {
                return new ColorPropSetter(reactProp, method, reactProp.defaultInt());
            return new IntPropSetter(reactProp, method, reactProp.defaultInt());
        } else if (cls == Float.TYPE) {
            return new FloatPropSetter(reactProp, method, reactProp.defaultFloat());
        } else {
            if (cls == Double.TYPE) {
                return new DoublePropSetter(reactProp, method, reactProp.defaultDouble());
            if (cls == String.class) {
                return new StringPropSetter(reactProp, method);
            if (cls == Boolean.class) {
                return new BoxedBooleanPropSetter(reactProp, method);
            if (cls == Integer.class) {
                if ("Color".equals(reactProp.customType())) {
                    return new BoxedColorPropSetter(reactProp, method);
                return new BoxedIntPropSetter(reactProp, method);
            } else if (cls == ReadableArray.class) {
                return new ArrayPropSetter(reactProp, method);
            } else {
                if (cls == ReadableMap.class) {
                    return new MapPropSetter(reactProp, method);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized type: " + cls + " for method: " + method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "#" + method.getName());

    private static void createPropSetters(ReactPropGroup reactPropGroup, Method method, Class<?> cls, Map<String, PropSetter> map) {
        String[] names = reactPropGroup.names();
        int i = 0;
        if (cls == Dynamic.class) {
            while (i < names.length) {
                map.put(names[i], new DynamicPropSetter(reactPropGroup, method, i));
        } else if (cls == Integer.TYPE) {
            while (i < names.length) {
                map.put(names[i], new IntPropSetter(reactPropGroup, method, i, reactPropGroup.defaultInt()));
        } else if (cls == Float.TYPE) {
            while (i < names.length) {
                map.put(names[i], new FloatPropSetter(reactPropGroup, method, i, reactPropGroup.defaultFloat()));
        } else if (cls == Double.TYPE) {
            while (i < names.length) {
                map.put(names[i], new DoublePropSetter(reactPropGroup, method, i, reactPropGroup.defaultDouble()));
        } else if (cls == Integer.class) {
            while (i < names.length) {
                map.put(names[i], new BoxedIntPropSetter(reactPropGroup, method, i));
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized type: " + cls + " for method: " + method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "#" + method.getName());

    private static void extractPropSettersFromViewManagerClassDefinition(Class<? extends ViewManager> cls, Map<String, PropSetter> map) {
        Method[] declaredMethods = cls.getDeclaredMethods();
        for (Method method : declaredMethods) {
            ReactProp reactProp = (ReactProp) method.getAnnotation(ReactProp.class);
            if (reactProp != null) {
                Class[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
                if (parameterTypes.length != 2) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Wrong number of args for prop setter: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName());
                } else if (View.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterTypes[0])) {
                    map.put(, createPropSetter(reactProp, method, parameterTypes[1]));
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("First param should be a view subclass to be updated: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName());
            ReactPropGroup reactPropGroup = (ReactPropGroup) method.getAnnotation(ReactPropGroup.class);
            if (reactPropGroup != null) {
                Class[] parameterTypes2 = method.getParameterTypes();
                if (parameterTypes2.length != 3) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Wrong number of args for group prop setter: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName());
                } else if (!View.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterTypes2[0])) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("First param should be a view subclass to be updated: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName());
                } else if (parameterTypes2[1] == Integer.TYPE) {
                    createPropSetters(reactPropGroup, method, parameterTypes2[2], map);
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Second argument should be property index: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName());

    private static void extractPropSettersFromShadowNodeClassDefinition(Class<? extends ReactShadowNode> cls, Map<String, PropSetter> map) {
        for (Method method : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) {
            ReactProp reactProp = (ReactProp) method.getAnnotation(ReactProp.class);
            if (reactProp != null) {
                Class[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
                if (parameterTypes.length == 1) {
                    map.put(, createPropSetter(reactProp, method, parameterTypes[0]));
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Wrong number of args for prop setter: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName());
            ReactPropGroup reactPropGroup = (ReactPropGroup) method.getAnnotation(ReactPropGroup.class);
            if (reactPropGroup != null) {
                Class[] parameterTypes2 = method.getParameterTypes();
                if (parameterTypes2.length != 2) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Wrong number of args for group prop setter: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName());
                } else if (parameterTypes2[0] == Integer.TYPE) {
                    createPropSetters(reactPropGroup, method, parameterTypes2[1], map);
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Second argument should be property index: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName());

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public static ThreadLocal<Object[]> createThreadLocalArray(final int i) {
        if (i <= 0) {
            return null;
        return new ThreadLocal<Object[]>() {
            /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
            public Object[] initialValue() {
                return new Object[i];
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