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    package com.facebook.react.modules.core;

import android.util.SparseArray;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.Arguments;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactApplicationContext;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.UiThreadUtil;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.WritableArray;
import com.facebook.react.common.SystemClock;
import com.facebook.react.devsupport.interfaces.DevSupportManager;
import com.facebook.react.jstasks.HeadlessJsTaskContext;
import com.facebook.react.modules.core.ChoreographerCompat;
import com.facebook.react.modules.core.ReactChoreographer;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

public class JavaTimerManager {
    private static final float FRAME_DURATION_MS = 16.666666f;
    private static final float IDLE_CALLBACK_FRAME_DEADLINE_MS = 1.0f;
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public final AtomicBoolean isPaused = new AtomicBoolean(true);
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public final AtomicBoolean isRunningTasks = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public IdleCallbackRunnable mCurrentIdleCallbackRunnable;
    private final DevSupportManager mDevSupportManager;
    private boolean mFrameCallbackPosted = false;
    private boolean mFrameIdleCallbackPosted = false;
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public final Object mIdleCallbackGuard = new Object();
    private final IdleFrameCallback mIdleFrameCallback = new IdleFrameCallback();
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public final JavaScriptTimerExecutor mJavaScriptTimerExecutor;
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public final ReactApplicationContext mReactApplicationContext;
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public final ReactChoreographer mReactChoreographer;
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public boolean mSendIdleEvents = false;
    private final TimerFrameCallback mTimerFrameCallback = new TimerFrameCallback();
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public final Object mTimerGuard = new Object();
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public final SparseArray<Timer> mTimerIdsToTimers;
    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public final PriorityQueue<Timer> mTimers;

    private static class Timer {
        /* access modifiers changed from: private */
        public final int mCallbackID;
        /* access modifiers changed from: private */
        public final int mInterval;
        /* access modifiers changed from: private */
        public final boolean mRepeat;
        /* access modifiers changed from: private */
        public long mTargetTime;

        private Timer(int i, long j, int i2, boolean z) {
            this.mCallbackID = i;
            this.mTargetTime = j;
            this.mInterval = i2;
            this.mRepeat = z;

    private class TimerFrameCallback extends ChoreographerCompat.FrameCallback {
        private WritableArray mTimersToCall;

        private TimerFrameCallback() {
            this.mTimersToCall = null;

        public void doFrame(long j) {
            if (!JavaTimerManager.this.isPaused.get() || JavaTimerManager.this.isRunningTasks.get()) {
                long j2 = j / 1000000;
                synchronized (JavaTimerManager.this.mTimerGuard) {
                    while (!JavaTimerManager.this.mTimers.isEmpty() && ((Timer) JavaTimerManager.this.mTimers.peek()).mTargetTime < j2) {
                        Timer timer = (Timer) JavaTimerManager.this.mTimers.poll();
                        if (this.mTimersToCall == null) {
                            this.mTimersToCall = Arguments.createArray();
                        if (timer.mRepeat) {
                            long unused = timer.mTargetTime = ((long) timer.mInterval) + j2;
                        } else {
                if (this.mTimersToCall != null) {
                    this.mTimersToCall = null;
                JavaTimerManager.this.mReactChoreographer.postFrameCallback(ReactChoreographer.CallbackType.TIMERS_EVENTS, this);

    private class IdleFrameCallback extends ChoreographerCompat.FrameCallback {
        private IdleFrameCallback() {

        public void doFrame(long j) {
            if (!JavaTimerManager.this.isPaused.get() || JavaTimerManager.this.isRunningTasks.get()) {
                if (JavaTimerManager.this.mCurrentIdleCallbackRunnable != null) {
                JavaTimerManager javaTimerManager = JavaTimerManager.this;
                IdleCallbackRunnable unused = javaTimerManager.mCurrentIdleCallbackRunnable = new IdleCallbackRunnable(j);
                JavaTimerManager.this.mReactChoreographer.postFrameCallback(ReactChoreographer.CallbackType.IDLE_EVENT, this);

    private class IdleCallbackRunnable implements Runnable {
        private volatile boolean mCancelled = false;
        private final long mFrameStartTime;

        public IdleCallbackRunnable(long j) {
            this.mFrameStartTime = j;

        public void run() {
            boolean access$1400;
            if (!this.mCancelled) {
                long uptimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - (this.mFrameStartTime / 1000000);
                long currentTimeMillis = SystemClock.currentTimeMillis() - uptimeMillis;
                if (JavaTimerManager.FRAME_DURATION_MS - ((float) uptimeMillis) >= 1.0f) {
                    synchronized (JavaTimerManager.this.mIdleCallbackGuard) {
                        access$1400 = JavaTimerManager.this.mSendIdleEvents;
                    if (access$1400) {
                        JavaTimerManager.this.mJavaScriptTimerExecutor.callIdleCallbacks((double) currentTimeMillis);
                    IdleCallbackRunnable unused = JavaTimerManager.this.mCurrentIdleCallbackRunnable = null;

        public void cancel() {
            this.mCancelled = true;

    public JavaTimerManager(ReactApplicationContext reactApplicationContext, JavaScriptTimerExecutor javaScriptTimerExecutor, ReactChoreographer reactChoreographer, DevSupportManager devSupportManager) {
        this.mReactApplicationContext = reactApplicationContext;
        this.mJavaScriptTimerExecutor = javaScriptTimerExecutor;
        this.mReactChoreographer = reactChoreographer;
        this.mDevSupportManager = devSupportManager;
        this.mTimers = new PriorityQueue<>(11, new Comparator<Timer>() {
            public int compare(Timer timer, Timer timer2) {
                int i = ((timer.mTargetTime - timer2.mTargetTime) > 0 ? 1 : ((timer.mTargetTime - timer2.mTargetTime) == 0 ? 0 : -1));
                if (i == 0) {
                    return 0;
                return i < 0 ? -1 : 1;
        this.mTimerIdsToTimers = new SparseArray<>();

    public void onHostPause() {

    public void onHostDestroy() {

    public void onHostResume() {

    public void onHeadlessJsTaskStart(int i) {
        if (!this.isRunningTasks.getAndSet(true)) {

    public void onHeadlessJsTaskFinish(int i) {
        if (!HeadlessJsTaskContext.getInstance(this.mReactApplicationContext).hasActiveTasks()) {

    public void onInstanceDestroy() {

    private void maybeSetChoreographerIdleCallback() {
        synchronized (this.mIdleCallbackGuard) {
            if (this.mSendIdleEvents) {

    private void maybeIdleCallback() {
        if (this.isPaused.get() && !this.isRunningTasks.get()) {

    private void setChoreographerCallback() {
        if (!this.mFrameCallbackPosted) {
            this.mReactChoreographer.postFrameCallback(ReactChoreographer.CallbackType.TIMERS_EVENTS, this.mTimerFrameCallback);
            this.mFrameCallbackPosted = true;

    private void clearFrameCallback() {
        HeadlessJsTaskContext instance = HeadlessJsTaskContext.getInstance(this.mReactApplicationContext);
        if (this.mFrameCallbackPosted && this.isPaused.get() && !instance.hasActiveTasks()) {
            this.mReactChoreographer.removeFrameCallback(ReactChoreographer.CallbackType.TIMERS_EVENTS, this.mTimerFrameCallback);
            this.mFrameCallbackPosted = false;

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public void setChoreographerIdleCallback() {
        if (!this.mFrameIdleCallbackPosted) {
            this.mReactChoreographer.postFrameCallback(ReactChoreographer.CallbackType.IDLE_EVENT, this.mIdleFrameCallback);
            this.mFrameIdleCallbackPosted = true;

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public void clearChoreographerIdleCallback() {
        if (this.mFrameIdleCallbackPosted) {
            this.mReactChoreographer.removeFrameCallback(ReactChoreographer.CallbackType.IDLE_EVENT, this.mIdleFrameCallback);
            this.mFrameIdleCallbackPosted = false;

    public void createTimer(int i, long j, boolean z) {
        Timer timer = new Timer(i, (SystemClock.nanoTime() / 1000000) + j, (int) j, z);
        synchronized (this.mTimerGuard) {
            this.mTimerIdsToTimers.put(i, timer);

    public void createAndMaybeCallTimer(int i, int i2, double d, boolean z) {
        long currentTimeMillis = SystemClock.currentTimeMillis();
        long j = (long) d;
        if (this.mDevSupportManager.getDevSupportEnabled() && Math.abs(j - currentTimeMillis) > 60000) {
            this.mJavaScriptTimerExecutor.emitTimeDriftWarning("Debugger and device times have drifted by more than 60s. Please correct this by running adb shell \"date `date +%m%d%H%M%Y.%S`\" on your debugger machine.");
        long max = Math.max(0, (j - currentTimeMillis) + ((long) i2));
        if (i2 != 0 || z) {
            createTimer(i, max, z);
        WritableArray createArray = Arguments.createArray();

    public void deleteTimer(int i) {
        synchronized (this.mTimerGuard) {
            Timer timer = this.mTimerIdsToTimers.get(i);
            if (timer != null) {

    public void setSendIdleEvents(final boolean z) {
        synchronized (this.mIdleCallbackGuard) {
            this.mSendIdleEvents = z;
        UiThreadUtil.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                synchronized (JavaTimerManager.this.mIdleCallbackGuard) {
                    if (z) {
                    } else {

    /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */
    public boolean hasActiveTimersInRange(long j) {
        synchronized (this.mTimerGuard) {
            Timer peek = this.mTimers.peek();
            if (peek == null) {
                return false;
            if (isTimerInRange(peek, j)) {
                return true;
            Iterator<Timer> it = this.mTimers.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                if (isTimerInRange(, j)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

    private static boolean isTimerInRange(Timer timer, long j) {
        return !timer.mRepeat && ((long) timer.mInterval) < j;
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