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    package bolts;

public class TaskCompletionSource<TResult> {
    private final Task<TResult> task = new Task<>();

    public Task<TResult> getTask() {
        return this.task;

    public boolean trySetCancelled() {
        return this.task.trySetCancelled();

    public boolean trySetResult(TResult tresult) {
        return this.task.trySetResult(tresult);

    public boolean trySetError(Exception exc) {
        return this.task.trySetError(exc);

    public void setCancelled() {
        if (!trySetCancelled()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot cancel a completed task.");

    public void setResult(TResult tresult) {
        if (!trySetResult(tresult)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set the result of a completed task.");

    public void setError(Exception exc) {
        if (!trySetError(exc)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set the error on a completed task.");
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